BUMS Inc AGM Outcomes
24th August 2023
By Peter Grace

The BUMS Inc Annual General Meeting for 2022-23 was held at Coorparoo Bowls Club on 20 August 2023. A good crowd of about 40 members was in attendance and were entertained at a jam led by NUMB BUMS and Out on Bail.
There was nothing contentious in the formal meeting and the five committee members were re-elected for another term. They are:
- President – Sylvia Hunt
- Vice President – Max Borchardt
- Secretary – Peter Grace
- Treasurer – Simon Carter
- Gigmeister/Events Coordinator – Stephen Sandilands.
(L to R) Simon, Sylvia, Pete, Max and Steve.
Sylvia reiterated our goal to run BUMS as an organisation where you can find fun, fun, and more fun. We aim to continue to be a committee for change, trying new things and enhancing your experience of BUMS. In particular, we are trying to simplify the ways we do things and make our processes more sustainable. We will continue to ask for your support in helping with tasks, projects, and activities.
The President’s Report summarises the past year and is available here.
To update our membership – we now have 267 financial members and 8 life members. Since 5 June when we launched Member Jungle, we have welcomed 55 new members and 212 members have renewed their membership. We have 71 members who have not renewed for 2023-24 and will be contacting hem shortly to encourage them to join us for another year of fun. So far 67% of our members have loaded the Member Jungle App on their phones and have BUMS at their fingertips.
Simon Carter presented his Financial Report which can be found here.
Our financial position is strong with a cash buffer of $50,000. Our plan is to build on this cash position and apply for grants to enable us to run a big festival like SPRUKE on the Square in 2024.
Our Balance Sheet at 30 June 2023 is available here and our Profit and Loss for 2022-23 is available here.
Sylvia announced that Max Borchardt and Peter Grace had been appointed as Life Members for their significant contributions to BUMS over many years. Details of Max’s citations can be found here. Peter’s citation is here.
We have many projects we’d like to pursue in the next year. How far we get will depend on the support and assistance we get from you, BUMS members. The projects include:
- Completing the transfer of web posts from our old website to Member Jungle.
- Training and developing more leaders for our jams.
- Simplifying how we run jams and spreading the workload from a few to many.
- Expanding our song library and making it more accessible to BUMS members.
- Rationalising how we communicate with our members and subscribers using emails, website, the Member Jungle App, social media, and newsletters.
- Expanding on the way we use the refurbished Coorparoo Bowls Club.
- Rationalising our assets (PA and AV equipment, festival supplies) and how they are stored.
The committee looks forward to a successful and fun-filled year in 2023-24. We welcome your ideas, feedback, and assistance in making BUMS Inc an even more flourishing society. Direct any inquiries, please to secretary@brisbaneukulele.com