Bribie Jammin' Music Festival

10th September 2023
By Len Farina
BUMS member Len Farina was enjoying a break last weekend on Bribie Island with his partner Marion. Strolling along the Bongaree waterfront he heard the melodic tones of the ukulele and discovered the Bribie Jamming’ Music Festival. BUMS were on show with Cath McCourt leading a jam and Salli Chmura, Geoff Dancer and Les Briant displaying their talents with open mic performances. You just can’t keep a good BUM down!
BUMS member Len Farina was enjoying a break last weekend on Bribie Island with his partner Marion. Strolling along the Bongaree waterfront he heard the melodic tones of the ukulele and discovered the Bribie Jamming’ Music Festival. BUMS were on show with Cath McCourt leading a jam and Salli Chmura, Geoff Dancer and Les Briant displaying their talents with open mic performances. You just can’t keep a good BUM down!

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