Managing jams in 2024

27th February 2024
By Peter Grace

Managing jams in 2024

Through most of 2023, BUMS ran eight jams a month.  Each of these jams was run by a coordinator and a support crew. BUMS helped with physical and financial support as required to help the jam run effectively.

It’s a case of ‘many hands make light work’ at jams.  If you can get to a jam venue early, there will be many simple tasks (and some specialised tasks) you can help with.  Ask the jam coordinator at your next jam for more details.


This year, the jams at Westside, Northside, Ferny Grove and Flat Lizard and the WEBUMS and GeeBUMS jams will continue just like last year.

Vale Eastside jam.

The jam at Birkdale paused in November and did not run over the holiday period.  Coordinator Steve Sandilands has other priorities in his life and has not got the time or energy to coordinate the jam in 2024. 

The Birkdale Sports Club is a good venue with parking, food and drink and a large room for a jam. Support for the jam fell in 2023 and the committee has decided to let the jam hibernate for the time being.  We need more support from BUMS members to spread the load of running jams across the city.

Ukulele Friday (at Corinda)

BUMS member Gabrielle Liddle has invited us to join a new jam on the Southside. It started last November. In Gabrielle’s family, every Friday was ukulele night, and she played for fun with her sister Jen and nephew Sam.

They decided to share their fun with others. The jam runs at the Corinda Bowls Club on the second Friday of the month from 6.30pm to 8.00pm. Entry is $5 to cover hire of the hall. There are food trucks on a Friday, and, of course, the bowlo has a bar. Next jam is on 8 March.  Come and give it a try.

More details here.

Seven BUMS jams in March

  • Coorparoo Big jam – Wednesday 6 March
  • Flat Lizard jam - Sunday 10 March
  • WEBUMS -Tuesday 12 March
  • Westside Daytime jam - Wednesday 13 March
  • Ferny Grove jam - Wednesday 20 March
  • Northside jam - Tuesday 26 March
  • GeeBUMS Sunday 31 March

All the details of our jams are on the website and the member Jungle App.

Check them out here.

What about the Coorparoo Big Jam?

This is the oldest running BUMS jam.  It has been coordinated by Max Borchardt since 2018 and is a bedrock of BUMS. 

Max has decided to step down from the coordinator role in August. In his words, “I’m running out of steam. Due to declining health, I have been advised by my doctor to step back from many of my activities”.

We have invested time and money in the Coorparoo Bowls Club to make it a good venue for BUMS events. We regularly get 50-60 jammers along to the jam. It would be terrible to see it fail.

Can you take over this role for the Coorparoo jam?

We seek someone or several people to take over running the jam.  Max can assist with the transition as required.

What does it take to coordinate a jam?

Each jam is different, and each coordinator puts their own stamp on the organisation and outcome.  Just because the last coordinator did it ‘this’ way, doesn’t mean you have to do it that way going forward.  But of course, it’s a good idea to follow successful strategies to deliver jams that BUMS members will enjoy.

The role of a jam coordinator is broadly to:

  • Confirm the arrangements to use venue.
  • Arrange set leaders and open mics.
  • Arrange a person to run the front desk.
  • Collect and coordinate the songs sheets prepared by the set leaders.
  • Coordinate the set up and clear up of the venue (PA equipment, front desk, scrolling)
  • MC the night.

If you are interested in taking the reins of a jam (either on your own or with one or more others), talk to Max at the Coorparoo jam or email him on We can support you in learning how jams run and help you take over the task.  It is a rewarding job – to see a room full of people singing, playing, and smiling.  After every successful jam, you’ll go home with a smile on your face too.


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