Tenth anniversary at Westside

10th October 2024
By Peter Grace

It was a memorable jam at Sinnamon Park on 9 October.  Sue and Peter celebrated the tenth anniversary of them running the Westside jam.  They started at Indooroopilly in 2014, moved to Toowong and then found a great venue at the Rosemount Community Centre.

There were about 50 regulars, old friends and observers in the audience, including Ken, a local resident who is an amazing whistler.

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Sue always starts the jam by singing Happy Birthday to people with birthdays in the month.  This time it included their daughter ‘super scroller’ Michelle whose birthday was on the 10th.

Sue, Peter and guest set leader Ian Phillips led the first set with lots of songs everyone knew and could join in with gusto.

In the break, Past Vice President Max Borchardt and Secretary Peter Grace presented a certificate to Peter and Sue congratulating them on 10 years’ service to BUMS and creating a heap of fun for our members.

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There was an enormous cake to mark the occasion, and everyone tucked in. 

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Karen Howarth presented them with a card signed by many of those present and an amazing 3D image of a ukulele.  Check out the photo and you’ll see what it looked like.


Karen and Bob Anderson led a set of songs in the second half and Noel Bowers sang Nowhere Man in memory of John Lennon, who was born on 9 October.


Sue and Peter will be back on the second Wednesday of November (13th) with more fun and songs.

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