BUMS Inc newsletter for December 2024

29th November 2024
By secretary@brisbaneukulele.com

In This Newsletter:-

  • Christmas/New Year Jams NOTE: Coorparoo new start time of 6.30pm!
  • Have your say about jams!
  • Website Help
  • Want to know how the Sound Desk works?
  • Raising $$$ for Dementia Research
  • Meet a band - Out on Bail
  • Interested in gigs? Sign up for Book-a-BUM!
  • Max is back!


pexels-cottonbro-3154255.jpg Christmas/New Year Jams

Jingle BUMS, Coorparoo, Wednesday 4th December, 6.30pm-8.30pm NOTE: NEW START TIME OF 6.30PM!!! Join Adrian Board and a host of talented BUMS for the last Coorparoo jam of the year - our Christmas special. Come and see the Management Committee lead some songs! Beginners at 6.00pm, Open Mic opportunities. Read more here

Flat Lizard Jam (Stafford), Sunday 8th December, 12:30-2:30pm.  A laid back jam session with Blair Marks. Suits ukulele players at intermediate level but everyone welcome. Usually, second Sunday of the month but check before you come. Read more here.

WE BUMS Jam (West End), Tuesday 10th December, 7pm-9pm.  Enjoy an evening of songs with Cath McCourt and guest set leaders. Special Christmas flavour and free drink door prizes. There are open mic opportunities as well. Check out the WEBUMS meal deal at The ArchiveOpen mic opportunities. Read more here

Westside Jam (Sinnamon Park), Wednesday 11th December, 11am-1pm. Join Sue and Peter at the Westside jam. Enjoy songs mostly from the 60s and 70s. Read more here

Northside Christmas Spectacular! (Zillmere), Wednesday 11th December, 6.30pm-8.30pm. Christmas special. Ferny Grove and Northside jams will join together at Geebung for a fun night. Free finger food provided by BUMS and supplied by the Little Nyona kitchen (Malaysian style food). Door prizes! Back to normal in 2025 with the Northside jam on Wednesday 22 January. Read more here

Ukulele Friday @ Corinda, Friday 13th December, 6.30pm-8.00pm. Led by Gabrielle Liddle, Jen Reynolds, and Sam Reynolds. Play along to a great choice of old standards and new favourites - pop, folk, rock, and country!  Read more here

No Jam at Ferny Grove Jam in December.

No Northside Jam in December.

No GeeBUMS Jam and Open Mics (Zillmere) in December.

Westside Jam (Sinnamon Park), Wednesday 8th January, 11am-1pm. Join Sue and Peter at the Westside jam. Enjoy songs mostly from the 60s and 70s. Read more here

Coorparoo Jam, NOTE: SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH, Wednesday 8th January, 6.30pm-8.30pm NOTE: NEW START TIME OF 6.30PM!!!  Join Max Borchardt, Adrian Board and a host of talented BUMS for the first Coorparoo jam of the new year. We have deferred it for a week to give you time to get over your new year celebrations. Beginners at 6.00pm, Open Mic opportunities. Read more here

No WEBUMS Jam in January.

Flat Lizard Jam (Stafford), Sunday 12th January, 12:30-2:30pm.  A laid back jam session with Blair Marks. Suits ukulele players at intermediate level but everyone welcome. Usually, second Sunday of the month but check before you come. Read more here.

Ferny Grove Jam, Wednesday 15th January, 7.00pm-9.00pm.Beginners at 6.00pm. Join Linda and Kevin Buckley in the Function Room for a fun-filled night with plenty of well-known songs. Read more here.

Northside Jam (Zillmere), 22nd January, 6.30pm-8.30pm. Join Andrew Hunt, Peter Grace and friends as they rock the Function Room at the Geebung Bowlo. Beginners at 6.00pm. Open Mic. Read more here.

***Australia Day GeeBUMS & Open Mics*** (Zillmere), Sunday 26th January 2025 1:30-3:30 PM. Andrew Hunt leads a new style of event mixing a jam and open mic opportunities. Choose your Aussie jam songs from the BUMS song library. Come and give it a try on the last Sunday of the month. Read more here.

Photo by cottonbro studio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/smiling-santa-3154255/

Got something to say about jams? Watch your inbox for our survey.

The management committee will be sending an online survey to all members asking about your experiences at our jams in 2024.  Look for it in your inbox early in December.  We'd really appreciate your feedback!

  • Which jams do you go to?
  • What do you love about our jams?  
  • What do you hate?  
  • How could we make them better?

member jungle

Website Help

Do you have experience in managing websites?  Do you have time to help improve and maintain the BUMS website? Do you want to learn more about websites and help BUMS at the same time?

Read on for more detail.

Want to know how the Sound Desk works?

Attend a practical, hands-on workshop. (Sometime in the New Year. Date TBC.)  And don't worry - we'll be running a buddy system for new trainees! It's a lot of fun, and incredibly useful, for all performers, particularly set leaders.

Send an Expression of Interest to Adrian at adrianboard@gmail.com

Much more detail here.





Raising $$$ for Dementia Research

Donna Farrell and Totally Insane Ukes have started two - count 'em - two ukulele bands with residents of Brisbane retirement homes. Not only that, but working with these bands, they have raised over $11,000 for Dementia 
Research. Pretty inspiring stuff, isn't it?    Read all about it here.



Out on Bail Sept2024.png

Meet Out on Bail

Out On Bail is a Rocklea based BUMS community band led by Darrell Reeve. The band aims to play those songs that people tell us should not be played on the Ukulele! They love Australian rock and roll and have great fun playing great music.

Read more about Out on Bail here.



Interested in gigs? Sign up for Book-a-BUM!

BUMS supports our members who play in public, either solo or in performing bands.  We are updating the details of our performers on the Book-a-BUM page on the website.  Are you or your ukulele band, performers who would like to be included in the gigmeister’s list of performers and the Book-a-BUM page? Read all the details and sign up here.

Photo by Brett Jordan: https://www.pexels.com/photo/blue-and-white-logo-guessing-game-5426402/



Max is back!

The Management Committee welcomes Max Borchardt back as Vice President.  Read all about it here.


  ¿This newsletter was compiled by Denise Frost.

Copyright © 2024 Brisbane Ukulele Musicians Society Inc, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you subscribed on our website, or agreed to be added to the Financial Members mailing list on your membership application or renewal form.

Our mailing address is:

Brisbane Ukulele Musicians Society Inc

PO Box 444

Deception Bay, QLD 4508


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