BUMS jams survey

27th December 2024
By Peter Grace

Well, 2024 is almost over, and we have run 88 jams thanks to the wonderful contributions from our coordinators, set leaders and other volunteers.  The BUMS committee would like to find out what you think about the jams you have been to in the year.  The following link will take you to a survey which is about the music played at each jam.

Click here to access the survey. It will take about 5 minutes.  

survey image.JPG
The survey was sent out by email to all members on 22 December.  If you haven’t responded yet, we encourage you to do so soon.  The survey will close on Monday 6 January. We will analyse the responses and share them with jam coordinators and set leaders later in the month.  We will publish the results in the February newsletter. 

If you have any queries, comments or wish to discuss the survey further, please contact the secretary at secretary@brisbaneukulele.com   

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