Jams About Town

This web page provides information about BUMS Inc jams in Brisbane, and other jams and ukulele events run in the greater Brisbane area.

We currently run eight jams a month all across the greater Brisbane area.  We are always open to new opportunities to run jams and other venues may operate from time to time. Subscribe to the newsletter to get the latest news.

Jam Programs

Jam programs at each venue follow a similar pattern. A surprise packet of songs is projected onto screens and led by experienced jam leaders. Members and visitors are encouraged to showcase their talents at jams through open mic performances. Please email open mic requests to secretary@brisbaneukulele.com and specify which jam you will be attending.

Beginner lessons are starting up again in 2024 at Coorparoo, Ferny Grove and Northside jams.  Details here.

Hope to see you there. BYO friends & ukuleles!

For those of you who would like to ‘try before you buy’, we have a few ukuleles at the Coorparoo venue that we lend to people for the evening.


We play, share & jam a diverse range of music from traditional ukulele & folk tunes to disco, pop & heavy metal. Financial BUMS members can join BUMS Online private Facebook group and have access to our play-along videos and song sheets. More info here.
Email secretary@brisbaneukulele.com to suggest songs you’d like to play or lead at the jams.


For all the latest news on jams and other BUMS Inc events around Brisbane check out our News & Events page.

The links to monthly jams are publicised in our monthly newsletter, on the News & Events page as well as social media channels prior to the event.

At BUMS Inc jams we welcome beginners to advanced uke players, those who like to show case their talent at open mics, and those who like to sing along. We play a diverse range of music from traditional ukulele and folk tunes to disco, pop and heavy metal. The jam programs at each venue follow a similar pattern, where we display familiar songs and play and sing along with experienced jam leaders. Between sets, members and visitors entertain us with open mic items.

BYO friends and ukuleles to:

Coorparoo Jam — 1st Wednesday of the month
VENUE: Coorparoo Bowls Club, 32 Riddings Street, Coorparoo
Free to members, $10 for visitors
TIME: Jam starts 7:00 pm - 9.00pm. (Trialing 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm in November and December 2024)
Beginners class before the jam at 6.30pm.

Westside Jam — 2nd Wednesday of the month
VENUE: Rosemount Community Centre, 620 Seventeen Mile Rocks Rd., Sinnamon Park. Qld 4073.
TIME: Jam from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Free to members, $10 for visitors
TIME: Jam from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Contact: Sue and Peter: Phone 0438 708 929.

Ferny Grove Jam — 3rd Wednesday of the month.
VENUE: Ferny Grove Bowls Sport & Community Club, 20 Tramway Street, Ferny Grove
Free to members, $10 for visitors
TIME: Jam starts 7:00 pm – 9.00pm.
Beginners Class before the jam from 6.00pm.

WEBUMS jam – 2nd Tuesday of the month
VENUE: Archive Beer Boutique (The Loft) at 100 Boundary Street, West End.
Free to members, $10 for visitors
TIME: Jam starts 7:00 pm – 9.00pm

The Flat Lizard jam — 2nd Sunday of the month
VENUE: Flat Lizard Brewing, Webster Road, Stafford (close to junction with Wolverhampton St).
TIME: 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Northside Jam — 4th Wednesday of the month
WHERE: Geebung Bowls Club, 21 Thompson St, Zillmere 4034. Carpark and entry from 357 Robinson Road (opposite Meals on Wheels)
TIME: Jam starts 6:30 pm - 8.30pm.
Beginners class before the jam from from 6.00pm.

GeeBUMS Weekend Jam - last Sunday of the month

WHERE: Geebung Bowls Club, 21 Thompson St, Zillmere 4034. Carpark and entry from 357 Robinson Road (opposite Meals on Wheels)
TIME: Jam starts 1.30pm - 3.00pm.

A new style of event mixing a jam and open mic opportunities.  Come and give it a try on the last Sunday of every month.

Check the News & Events Page for the latest info each month. See the BUMS Calendar for jam night dates and other events.


Listed in alphabetical order. These are not BUMS Inc jams, if you have any inquiries please direct them to the contact person for that jam. Please check with individual jams and groups contacts before attending.

Bramble Bay Ukers — Fortnightly on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month

Bramble Bay Ukers, meets locally around Sandgate/ Shorncliffe area.

1st and 3rd Tuesday mornings. Beginners and all levels welcome. 

Please check, or message our Face Book Page for times and venue Bramble Bay Ukers FaceBook page.

Bribie Island Jam — Every 2nd & 4th Friday of the month
Meet at the shelter in Brennan Park. If it is windy and cold, we meet in the sound shell adjacent.
The group meets on the 2nd Friday of the month, and has an Open Mic on the 4th Friday.
Time: 3.00 pm (4.00pm in summer)
If you are interested in their newsletter, contact Trisha.
Contact: Trisha Scott email trishascott23@gmail.com.

Browns Plains Ukulele Players — Every Monday afternoon (except school holidays and public holidays)
First 2021 meeting will be Monday 1 February 2021.
Logan Central Community Hall, 9-11 Jacaranda Ave, Logan Central.
Cost: $5 per head to cover venue hire
Time: 1:30 – 4:30 pm
Bring music stands, ukulele.
Contact: George phone 0408 761 068 or visit Browns Plains Ukulele Group on Facebook.

Bulimba Ukulele Group (BUG) — Meet fortnightly on Thursdays. First 2021 jam on 21 January.
Bulimba Community Centre, 1 Barramul Street, Bulimba 4171, QLD (Bottom end of Memorial Park)
COVID-plan in place.
Cost: $5 (towards room hire)
Time: 1:00 – 3:00 pm
For beginners and intermediate. Bring your ukulele, music stand (if you have one) and drink/water. Handouts of new and exciting tunes available each session.
Contact: Brian Cordes 0468763043 or briancordes1953@gmail.com

Camp Hill Open Mic Night — 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month … and the 5th by show of hands!
Camp Hill Community & Sporting Club (Bowls Club), 150 Ferguson Rd, Camp Hill, QLD (near Oateson Skyline Drive round-a-bout)
Cost: Free - but buy a drink or two at the bar please!
Time: 7:00 – 9:00 pm all performers / patrons welcome! This low-key and supportive night is for all levels with a one-song-at-a-time format. For more info contact Angie (flangipani@gmail.com

Dukes of Uke Club — 2nd & 4th Saturday of each month. 1st meeting in 2020 is on 25th Jan.
Binary Music Studio, Shop 11 Cleveland Plaza, 48 Bloomfield Street, Cleveland
Cost: $12.00 per session
Time: 10:30 am
Visit the Dukes of Uke website for more details. www.dukesofuke.com

Greater Redlands Ukulele Band Soc  (GRUBS) — Every Tuesday including public and school holidays, except Christmas school holidays. Starting 2nd February 2021
COVID-safe measures in place. We are part of U3A Redlands, so you must become a member of  U3A to join GRUBS.
Uniting Church large hall, 36 – 38 Passage Street, Cleveland
Cost: U3A Redlands fees and $3.50 week
Time:  10:00am – 12:00 pm
Leaders:  Laurie Dyer  lbdyer@outlook.com    mob. 0422775860  and Bob Foster
Use both volumes of the ‘The Ukulele Club Song Book’. Please bring a music stand.

Uke Group Lessons — every Thursday
Binary Music Studio, Shop 11 Cleveland Plaza, 48 Bloomfield Street, Cleveland
Cost: $12 per session (1 hour)
Time: 9:00 am Beginners, 10:00 am Advancing
All song charts displayed on projector and available by subscription to www.dukesofuke.com

Happy Ukulele Group (HUG) — Every Thursday
CANCELLED until further notice.
Logan Central Library, 26 Wilbur Street, Logan Central
Cost: Free
Time: Jam from 10:00 am ’till 12:00 pm
Contact: Pat Le Cotey phone 07 3801 2552

McCarthy’s Celtic Music Session (Ukulele Plays Irish) — Normally every Thursday (COVID-restrictions allowing)
For more experienced players. Ukes tuned in D for Celtic.
Check out this post for more details.
Cost: Free
Contact: If you’re interested in learning about Celtic ukulele, please contact
Peter McMeel (email peter.mcmeel45@gmail.com or phone 0447 721 669) or
Brendan Williams (email brendanw170@gmail.com or phone 0412 701 492).

Moreton Ukulele Club (MUK) — 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month.
Bindawalla Gardens, 134 Eastern Services Road, Bruce Hwy, Burpengary
Cost: $2 members, $4 visitors, $5 membership
Time: Beginners’ class starts at 6:30 pm. Jam session starts at 7:00 pm.
Open mic (individuals or groups showcase) starts at 8:30 pm.
Contact: Phil phone 0412 722 004

Parkinson Ukulele Group (PUGs) — every Tuesday
The Rotunda, Daintree Drive Park, Daintree Drive, Parkinson
Cost: $2 per week to cover printing
Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 noon
Easy – beginners – fun
Contact: Angela McGrath 0431 817 646 or angelamcgrath60@gmail.com Visit the PUGs -Parkinson Ukulele Group on Facebook.

Redlands City Ukulele — 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month; on the 3rd Thursday we go to Camphill Open Mic.
Binary Music (COVID-Safe) Studio, Shop 11 Cleveland Plaza, 48 Bloomfield Street, Cleveland
Music is available via Binary Music website on application of password.
Everybody welcome, all levels of ability.
Cost: $10
Time 7:00 – 9:00 pm
We practice to perform – under the direction of professional musicians in a well equipped studio.
Contact: cilla.wills@yahoo.com or 0422 407 902.
See the Redlands City Ukulele Group Facebook page for more details.
Redland City Ukuleles – RCUs

The Pluck Upz Practices — Saturday fortnightly
Ukulele Group meeting in Sandgate Sandbag Community Hall, 153 Rainbow Street, Sandgate, 4017
Meet on first and third Saturday of the month from 10.00am to 12.00noon.

Cost: Annual membership fee of $10.00 if you like what you hear and see.
Come along to learn to play Ukulele with our tutor, Hine.  A folder with all song sheets is provided. If you have a favourite song, bring the music chords for all to learn. Hosted by The Pluck Upz and SANDBAG. Contact Hine on 0420 647 531 or hinewhiunui4@gmail.com

Ukulele Night with Vic Kena — Last Monday of each month.
Yeronga RSL, Cnr 391 Fairfield Road and Kadumba Street, Yeronga, 4104
Cost: Free entry
Time: 6:00 – 9:00 pm
All you can eat buffet is available for purchase from 5:30 pm. More info. Contact: Vic Kena 0408 389 270 or vickenamusic@gmail.com


Looking for a jam further afield?

Check our Uke in Oz page.

Other Guides

Amongst many other resources for uke players Ukulele Tabs has a comprehensive list of clubs around the world https://www.ukulele-tabs.com/clubs.html